Rose, Jonathan. 2021. "The Accord and the Alliance of Bangladesh: An Analysis of Factory Safety Data and Insights into their Inspection Systems". Self-published research.
2018. “The Best States to Work: Labor Policy in US States”. Oxfam Research
Report: Boston.
Rose, Jonathan and Farzana Nawaz. 2016. "Achieving Digital Government in Bangladesh: Drivers of Union Digital Center Performance". Centre for Peace and Justice Working Paper: Dhaka.
Rose, Jonathan. 2016. "Three Nutrition Direct Interventions for Pregnant Women in Bangladesh: A Benefit to Cost Ratio Analysis". Prepared for the Bangladesh Priorities Project, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Rose, Jonathan. 2016. "Nutrition Direct Package for Stunting in Bangladesh: A Benefit to Cost Ratio Analysis". Prepared for the Bangladesh Priorities Project, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Hasan, Manzoor, Jonathan Rose and Sultan Mohammed Zakaria. 2015. “The Real Politics of Bangladesh: The Inside Story of Local Power Brokers”. Research for Action in International Development: Dhaka. (Co-author).
Rose, Jonathan and Farzana Nawaz. 2016. "Achieving Digital Government in Bangladesh: Drivers of Union Digital Center Performance". Centre for Peace and Justice Working Paper: Dhaka.
Rose, Jonathan. 2016. "Three Nutrition Direct Interventions for Pregnant Women in Bangladesh: A Benefit to Cost Ratio Analysis". Prepared for the Bangladesh Priorities Project, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Rose, Jonathan. 2016. "Nutrition Direct Package for Stunting in Bangladesh: A Benefit to Cost Ratio Analysis". Prepared for the Bangladesh Priorities Project, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Hasan, Manzoor, Jonathan Rose and Sultan Mohammed Zakaria. 2015. “The Real Politics of Bangladesh: The Inside Story of Local Power Brokers”. Research for Action in International Development: Dhaka. (Co-author).
Hasan, Manzoor, Jonathan
Rose and Sumaiya Khair. 2015. “Governance and Justice Background Paper for
the Seventh Five-Year-Plan of the Government of Bangladesh”. Paper submitted to
the Planning Commission of the Government of Bangladesh. (Co-author).
Rose, Jonathan and Balachandran
Gowthaman. 2015. “Civil Service
Recruitment in Comoros: A Case of Political Clientelism in a Decentralized
State.” World Bank Policy Research Paper
7428. World Bank: Washington, D.C. (Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan, Sanaul
Mostafa and Kevin Robbins. 2014. “Nutrition Governance in Bangladesh: A
National and Upazila-level Analysis.”
Report prepared for Save the Children.
Rose, Jonathan. 2014. “Situation
Assessment of Justice and Legal Empowerment in Bangladesh”. Report prepared for BRAC.
Rose, Jonathan, Sultan
Muhammed Zakaria and Manzoor Hasan.
2014. “Amassing Wealth:
An Analysis of
Bangladeshi MP Asset Declaration Forms of 2008 and 2013”. Research for Action in International
Development Working Paper. (Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan, Sultan
Muhammed Zakaria and Manzoor Hasan.
2014. “Politicians, Mastaans and
Government: A Survey of Journalists on Local Power Structures”. Research for Action in International
Development Working Paper. (Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan, Sultan Muhammed
Zakaria and Manzoor Hasan. 2014. “The Nexus of Mastaans and Politicians in
Land Grabbing and Political Violence: Two Case Studies on Local Power
Structures”. Research for Action in
International Development Working Paper.
(Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan, Tashmina
Rahman and Tracey Lane. 2014. “Bangladesh Governance in Sectors: A
Systematic Review of Health Sector Governance and a Research Agenda for
Action”. World Bank Working
Paper. (Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan, Tashmina
Rahman and Tracey Lane. 2014. “Bangladesh Governance in Sectors: A
Systematic Review of Primary Education Sector Governance and a Research Agenda
for Action”. World Bank Working
Paper. (Lead Author).
World Bank. 2013. “Six Case Studies of Local
Participation in Kenya: Lessons from LASDAP, CDF, and Water Action Groups.” Economic and Sector Work Paper. World Bank:
Washington, D.C. (Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan. 2010.
“Participation Is Not Enough: Associations and Local Governments in the Social
Fund of Nicaragua.” Ph.D. Dissertation
at the MIT Department of Political Science.
Rose, Jonathan.
2006. “A Cut-Throat Race to the Bottom or
Partnership for Development? Buyer-Supplier Relations and the Post MFA Quota
Period in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh.”
Masters Research Paper at MIT.
International. 2004. “Stitched Up: How Northern Protectionism in
Textiles and Clothing Trade Prevents Poverty Alleviation.” Oxfam International Briefing Paper, No. 60. (Co-author).
Not public:
Rose, Jonathan. 2016. “Background Paper on Democracy, Human
Rights and Governance in Bangladesh”.
Prepared for Social Impact, Inc. at the request of USAID. (Main Author).
Saferworld. 2015. “Bangladesh
and Post-2015: Sustainable Development Goal Targets in Action”. Report prepared
for Saferworld. (Main Author).
Rose, Jonathan and Balachandran
Gowthaman. 2012. “The Political Economy
of Civil Service Recruitment: the Fragile State Case of Comoros.” Policy Note.
(Lead Author).
Rose, Jonathan. 2012. “Political Economy of the Governance of
Energy in Comoros”. Policy Note. (Main Author).